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AZ Law Enforcement Officer’s Safety Act (LEOSA)

Application Instructions-

  • Complete the Firearms Certification/Qualification Event:

    • The event must be conducted with an AZPOST-certified and DPS-recognized LEOSA instructor.
    • This includes the standard AZPOST peace officer firearms qualification course (50 rounds, conducted during the day or night) and a pass/fail target identification and discrimination course (judgmental shooting).
    • Backup or secondary handgun qualification courses are not valid for this certification.
  • Submit the Completed Application:

    • New Applications: Include items a, b, and c.
    • Renewal Applications: Include item b only.

    Required Documents:
    a. A photocopy of your photographic law enforcement identification credentials.
    b. A $20 money order or cashier’s check (personal or business checks are not accepted), payable to AZ DPS.
    c. A verification letter from the agency where you were employed, confirming your eligibility as a qualified retired law enforcement officer (see below).

    Verification Letter Requirements:

    Must be on the agency’s official letterhead.

    Include your name, badge number, rank, and dates of employment.

    Confirm that you meet the requirements of a qualified retired law enforcement officer.

    Confirm issuance of a photographic law enforcement identification card.

    Provide the name, title, identification number, and contact phone number of an individual at the agency who can verify your employment information.

Definition of a Qualified Retired Law Enforcement Officer (18 USC 926C(c))

A “Qualified Retired Law Enforcement Officer” is an individual who:

  • Separated from service in good standing with a public agency as a law enforcement officer;
  • Was authorized by law, prior to separation, to engage in or supervise the prevention, detection, investigation, prosecution, or incarceration of any person for any law violation and had statutory powers of arrest;
  • Served as a law enforcement officer for an aggregate of 10 years or more, or separated due to a service-connected disability after completing the applicable probationary period;
  • Has not been deemed unqualified due to mental health concerns by a qualified medical professional employed by the agency;
  • Has not entered into an agreement with the agency acknowledging disqualification for reasons related to mental health;
  • Is not under the influence of alcohol or any intoxicating or hallucinatory substance; and
  • Is not prohibited under Federal law from receiving a firearm.

Retired Officer Responsibility

  • Within the most recent 12-month period, the applicant must meet, at their own expense, the state’s standards for active law enforcement officer training and qualification to carry firearms.

If Carrying a Concealed Firearm

To carry a concealed firearm, you must possess:

  • Photo Identification: Issued by the law enforcement agency from which you separated.
  • State Certification: Issued by the state of residence, confirming that within the last year, you have been tested and met the state’s standards for active law enforcement officers to carry a firearm of the same type as the concealed firearm.

The certificate issued by the Arizona Department of Public Safety satisfies this requirement and is valid for 12 months from the date of the firearms qualification event.

Additional Notes

  • The AZ DPS fee is not included in the application process.

For questions or additional details, contact the Arizona Department of Public Safety.

Retired LEO Certificate of Firearms Proficiency

SKU: Retired LEO
$185.00 Regular Price
$150.00Sale Price
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